Buy Applied Infrared Photography (Kodak Publication, No. M-28.)
Applied Infrared Photography (Kodak Publication, No. M-28.) Overview
Ready, aim, shoot! With this convenient, professional photoguide by your side, you'll always be prepared to take your best pictures, no matter what situation confronts you. Just open up the easy-to-read, lay-flat spiral notebook to find complete information on color and black-and-white films, film care and storage, exposure, filters, flash, and lenses. It will take just an instant to turn to the section you want, thanks to brightly colored and labeled tabs for each chapter. Best of all, it's put together by the most trusted name in the business: Kodak. Want the full picture on what's inside? * Complete charts for all Kodak films--one for prints and one for slides and transparencies--with a description of the intended uses, and ISO speed and filter for daylight, tungsten, and photolamp. * Facts on caring for film, avoiding static electricity marks, using exposure meters, and calculating lighting ratios. * Dials to help you figure out speeds and lens openings for existing-light subjects; which filters to use; flash exposures; focal length; optical equations; and depth of field for normal, wide-angle, and telephoto lenses. * How to care for lenses and which supplementary lenses to try. The 6th updated edition is the one volume you'll need! 56 pages (all in color), 6 x 8 1/2.
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